Category: Landscaping

Why You Should Never Install a Swimming Pool Yourself

Why You Should Never Install a Swimming Pool Yourself

If you consider yourself quite handy, the thought of building your own swimming pool might appeal. After all, it’s just a hole in the ground and some concrete, so what could go wrong?

In reality, there’s a reason why the majority of people with swimming pools have them designed by professional pool designers and installed by pool and landscaping exerts: a lot could go wrong, and these experts know how to manage the risks. If you’re not yet convinced that you can’t build swimming pools, the following information may just convince you.

Rules, Regulations, Permits, and Restrictions

You may not realise it, but most towns, cities, and countries have extensive rules, regulations, restrictions, and permitting requirements when it comes to building swimming pools.

They have to be a set distance from homes and boundaries and have features like steps and fences to comply for safety reasons. Navigating this logistical nightmare can be time-consuming, and months can pass before you even get a shovel in the ground.

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Why Does My Landscape Garden Keep Flooding?

There can be few events in the world of landscaping that bring more gardeners closer to tears than them discovering that their garden has been flooded. This can occur on two timescales with one being a slow realisation that water is rising within your garden, and you are seemingly helpless to do anything to stop it. The other is where it occurs suddenly where your garden has gone from your own little paradise, to what seems like a watery hell, overnight.

The first question most gardeners ask at this point is ‘Why me?’, and all we can do to answer that is say do not take it personally. In other words, whatever powers are at play with regards to the flooding, it was not aimed directly at you. Instead, and on a more practical level, your questions should be, ‘What is the cause?’, followed by, ‘How do I rectify it?’

We first want to point out that although in many areas excessive rainfall can be a contributory factor, that is not going to apply to everyone, especially those who live in areas that have low rain fall. Also, downpours of rain tend to be sporadic, and so, if your garden is flooding when there is no rain, or the rainfall is what might be considered ‘normal’, then there is something else that is causing the issue.

Landscaping experts tell us that one of the most common reasons that a landscape garden might flood is that the drainage process below the surface is poor, and thus water levels underground is rising to the point of flooding on the surface. The causes of poor drainage can vary, and it may be a case of you doing some detective work to discover the primary cause.

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5 Ideas For Making Your Landscape Design Seniors Friendly

5 Ideas For Making Your Landscape Design Seniors Friendly

There are those that tend to think of gardening and landscape design are activities that are mainly undertaken by those within an older age group but that is more myth than truth. Yes, there are many seniors who love gardening, but there are also thousands, if not millions of landscapers and gardening enthusiasts across just about every age group.

Whilst that is most certainly a positive, it can lead to one specific problem, and that relates to landscape designs for older people. What we mean by that is the creation of a landscape design where the elements within it make allowances for some of the problems which some older people may encounter.

By problems, we are talking about mobility and safety issues, for example, and ensuring that whether you are a senior and designing your garden for yourself, or you are a landscape designer, designing for an older client, that what you create takes these into account. If you are unsure about what ways you can make your landscape design seniors friendly, here are some ideas you can consider.

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